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Context of the project – Ann Fiona Martin

I’d known of Ann as she was part of a business What’s App group I’m in and when she asked the group if anyone could help with the tech side of launching her podcast, I jumped in and offered my help.

Ann wanted to launch a podcast where she talks to various entrepreneurs like Jenna Kutcher and Lisa Johnson about how they create meaningful, impactful content online. This really interested me, especially because a lot of content I’m seeing out there is motivated only by making money and not to actually help people.

This approach was refreshing as was Ann’s plan for the podcast.

Premeet – goals and vision for the project

As standard, I offer a pre-meet that covers everything from ideal client, to goals and vision for the look of the project. This allowed Ann to share that she wanted to make her podcast accessible by using the Able Player on her Showit website.

She was busy prelaunch so opted also for me to finish up her main podcast landing page and create a structure that she could add easily to.

Here’s a breakdown of what we covered:

Vision for the Creative Content podcast

We started off by talking through the goals of her podcast and how she wanted to bring it to her audience.  We needed two versions of the podcast plus an option to download a transcript easily.

VIP half day – on the day


What we implemented – podcast launch back end tech  

Podcast Landing Page

I carried on building and customised the landing page first and Ann worked with me throughout the morning, giving me super-clear feedback, resulting in the podcast landing page she imagined.

Both podcast versions were ready for launch on launch day, resulting in Ann being really happy that she could share with her audience.

During launch day, however, the able player failed to play – I can’t sit back and accept this for my clients, so it was back to the drawing board until I found a solution. (see below) 

Opt-in form added to podcast page

Using Flodesk, Ann’s email provider, I created an opt-in form and automation to add a new subscriber to Ann’s list. 

Showit blog upgrade assistance

We determined that Ann would need an upgrade to her blog, to install the Able Player within a main blog post, so I assisted with this process, so it was as seamless as possible.

Able player install and code

This presented more of a challenge than we both realised, but we finally had it in operation a couple of days after the launch. Troubleshooting a few areas led me to figure out that the Able player was only compatible with the Gutenberg blog editor and not the classic editor that Ann had been using previously.

Tutorial for inserting code into the Able player

I provided Ann with a tutorial and highlighted code, so she could insert her own episodes into the Able Player going forward.

SEO optimisation

To ensure Ann’s podcast page is as visible to search engines in the quickest time possible, I entered SEO key words into the images I uploaded for the podcast episodes.


Ann was so happy to hire me for this project as then she launch with confidence and concentrate on the marketing side of the project.

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